Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Either and Neither

Learn how “either” is used in the following sentences.
  1. I haven’t been to Delhi. I haven’t been to Calcutta, either.
  2. My brother doesn’t read newspapers. He doesn’t listen to the news, either.
  3. I can’t do it. You can’t, either.
  4. She didn’t come yesterday. He didn’t, either.
  5. They weren’t present. I wasn’t, either.
Negative additions to negative remarks can be made by using “neither” or “nor” and “either.”

I didn’t come yesterday.

Neither did I.

The boy hasn’t come.

The girl hasn’t, either.

I don’t care much for that fellow.

Nor do I/I don’t, either.

He won’t tell anyone else.

Nor will we.

He doesn’t speak French.

Neither do I.

Practise the following first with “neither/nor” and then with “either.”

We don’t often go to films.

Neither/Nor do we.

We don’t, either.

She hasn’t had her lunch.

Neither/Nor have I.

I haven’t, either.

He has never been to Delhi.

Neither/Nor has she.

She hasn’t, either.

I am not going to bed yet.

Neither/Nor are we.

We aren’t, either.

I can’t eat beef.

Neither/Nor can I.

I can’t, either.

She isn’t leaving tomorrow.

Neither/Nor are they.

They aren’t, either.

She won’t pay for it.

Neither/Nor will we.

We won’t, either.

They aren’t teachers.

Neither/Nor are we.

We aren’t, either.


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    see ya

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